Steve Dawson started Saint Paul Street Evangelization in 2012. After 7 years of experience training, equipping, and mobilizing Catholics to evangelize, in 2019 we began to consider what were the three “core values” that defined us as a group. Once identified, these values would remind us and inform others of “who we are,” and “who we want to remain” for as long as Our Lord permits our apostolate to operate. The core values we chose, after much discernment, are (1) Committed Catholic Disciples, (2) Excited About the Work of Evangelization, and (3) Humble of Heart. To identify these values is not to say that each and every individual of our organization embodies these values, or that any of us embody them perfectly. Nevertheless, these values, in a real way, describes who we are.
In addition to these three, we also adopted two “aspirational values” — values that may not define us collectively at the present time, but that we hold close to our hearts and strive for. They are (4) Docile to the Holy Spirit, and (5) Worthy Instruments of Salvation. Then we added the phrase, “called to be” to these two aspirational values, and they became, in a sense, core values themselves. Our five core values are now featured, with explanations, on the “About” page of our SPSE website.
We have posted a reflection for each of our core values so that we can understand better who we are, and who we are called to be. That includes all of us: team leaders, evangelists, public speakers, employees, and other associates of Saint Paul Street Evangelization.
We are:
Committed Catholic Disciples
Excited About the Work of Evangelization
Humble of Heart
We are called to be:
Docile to the Holy Spirit
Worthy Instruments of Salvation