This post was originally shared on “Stories from the Street,” another SPSE blog..

The following report comes to us from team leader Roger with our team in San Antonio, TX:
The San Antonio team felt called to bring the love of Jesus to Uvalde after the recent tragic shooting. Psalm 116:15 kept coming to heart. We prayed with at least 120 people, handed out 987 rosaries, about 2,500 cards, numerous Dynamic Catholic books, several prayer books and other sacramentals which were generously donated. Sacred Heart parish in Uvalde and the neighboring parish received 400 and 250 rosaries respectively and 1,000 sacramental cards each. Based on average traffic counts, Jesus poured out some measure of Divine Mercy on approximately 12,000 people as they drove past a 6 foot tall blessed image of Jesus’ Divine Mercy set up at the crossroads of Hwy 90 & Hwy 83.
The Holy Spirit placed some truly amazing people before us and we tried to let the Holy Spirit lead us in prayer for them so that the darkness might not overcome the Light and that each one whom we prayed with and prayed for might in turn bring peace and healing to everyone they encounter. So much brokenness, hurt and grief. We also tried to emphasize to every male that came by that real Biblical manhood always creates, preserves, serves and points to Christ – it is never destructive. Folks really loved the rosaries and started putting them on the crosses at Monument plaza and at the crosses in front of the elementary itself. Many people were also grabbing rosaries and then handing them to others in the crowd as well as taking many for the rest of their families – homegrown evangelists just the way God intended. Beautiful! I was only able to engage about 10 people for any length of time – they ran the gamut from intentional disciple to curious to struggling with trust. Unbeknownst to us until much later, we were able to entertain and transport a second class relic of a recent Saint. The experience was simultaneously heart-breaking, soul-strengthening, fear of the LORD instilling and affirmed – at least for me – that God’s plan is providential albeit mysterious. He can bring beauty, grace – agape love – out of terrible tragedy.
Praised be Jesus Christ!