Following St. Anselm of Canterbury, theology is often defined as “faith seeking understanding.” We think that having a deeper understanding of the faith can help you be more fruitful as you share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people you encounter. By considering theological topics related to mission, vocation, grace, salvation, the Church, sacraments, the Cross and Resurrection, union with Christ, intercession, etc., ordinary Catholic evangelists can become more suitable instruments of salvation in God’s hands. This is not just about head knowledge, but heart knowledge. It’s not just about study, but prayer and virtue. It’s not just about “getting more converts,” but imitating Jesus and His saints in the work of redemption.
Theology for Evangelists is an initiative of the St. Paul School of Evangelization, working to train, equip, and mobilize Catholic disciples for the urgent work of evangelization. The School of Evangelization is the educational arm of St. Paul Street Evangelization (SPSE), a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking the Catholic Faith to the streets. Founded in May 2012, St. Paul Street Evangelization provides the tools and resources for Catholics to engage the culture in a simple, non-confrontational method of evangelization in the public square, and now has teams throughout the United States and the world.
Stay tuned for more theological articles and reflections from evangelists. What kinds of topics would you like covered? Please share your ideas in the comments section of this post. God bless you as you carry on the work of evangelization!
The life of Mary