Merry Christmas, dear friends! This season is a gift of God. What makes it so great is the profound truth we celebrate: the moment God entered human history, became one of us, and transformed everything. This is the heart of Christmas—the story of our salvation.
But we aren’t meant to keep this story to ourselves; it’s a message to share.
When the angels appeared to the shepherds on that first Christmas night, they delivered a clear message: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people” (Luke 2:10). The shepherds weren’t called to keep this message to themselves. Instead, they shared it with others: “When they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child” (Luke 2:17). These humble shepherds—ordinary men—became the first evangelists of the New Covenant.
Today, we’re called to continue their mission. We’re invited to proclaim the truth of Christmas: that Jesus Christ is born, that He is Emmanuel—God with us—and that He came to save us from sin.
Reclaiming the Meaning of Christmas
Let’s face it: many people today have lost sight of what Christmas truly means. While the decorations and gift-giving are enjoyable, they often overshadow the real story—Jesus. In fact, some may have never fully heard what Christmas is about.
This is where we come in. Jesus didn’t save us just for ourselves—He saved us so we could bring others to Him. Our mission is clear: to share the truth, joy, and hope of Christ in a world that has forgotten them.
But we can’t give what we don’t have. To share Christ, we must first welcome Him into our own hearts this Christmas. Through prayer, the sacraments, and quiet reflection before the manger, we can encounter Him anew. And when Christ fills our hearts, we will share the Gospel more readily.
Simple Ways to Share Christ This Christmas
Evangelization doesn’t have to be complicated. Often, it’s about living your faith boldly and inviting others to experience it too. Here are a few ideas. I present them as reminders for myself as much as for you:
- Listen, Befriend: Let the joy of Christ shine through you. Be intentional in showing kindness, patience, and generosity. Listen to others. This will pave the way for sharing the gospel; give you a right to be heard.
- Proclaim: Many people don’t know the full Christmas story. Read the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke with family or friends and let them witness God’s unexpected love and grace. Or maybe share it by email with old friends and acquaintances.
- Invite: Invite someone to Mass. Give them a Rosary, or a Miraculous Medal, and invite them to use it. Offer hospitality at your home. Small gestures can open the door for others to meet Jesus.
- Pray: Pray for opportunities to share the Gospel and for those who are far from Christ. Ask people if they want prayer for anything and then pray with them out loud right then and there. When we ask, God works wonders.
Christmas is the Ultimate Evangelization
At its core, Christmas celebrates the greatest act of evangelization: God coming into the world to save us. He didn’t stay distant or wait for us to come to Him—He came to us. And He continues to come to us today.
This Christmas let’s remember that the story doesn’t stop at the manger. Like the shepherds, we’re called to make Christ known. We don’t need to be perfect, just willing—the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
Let’s embrace this mission with love and urgency, remembering what’s at stake: souls. The good news—the best news—is that Jesus Christ is born, and He came to save the world.
May your Christmas be filled with the joy of Christ and may His light shine through you to everyone you meet.